Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Topic1-7Habits of successful plc students

#1:Attend class faitful =You cannot learn if you are not present..!

#2:Develop good study habits =Listen,take notes,read,and review that youi have learn..!

#3:Motivate themselves=Good students want to do well no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing..!

#4:Set high expectations=Set goals and work toward achieving them,know where you want to go ,aim high and you will get here..!

#5:Learn from their mistakes =The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a differents result..!

#6:Built healty relationship=Surround yourself with others who are like minded..!

#7:Realize the importants of communication=learn to write well,speak well and be aware of the message you send when you are not speaking.

I need make a improvement on number #7 Realize the importants of communication...
Which mean: Learn to write well,speak well, and be aware of the message you sen when you not are speaking....

Because I have to learn speak well,write well, and be aware of the message I can send without speaking....

This is an important improvement that I have to do it. This improvement would help me to be a better student,better person, and it will make me feel good with my self.

To make this improvement i have to work hard,study more than usually I do it,put more attention doing my work, and taking notes of my assigments...

It will be fun be working hard because it is something the I love to do,sometimes i don't understand how do the work and it made me mad or sad with my self but i am sure that I going to make a big improvement....

TASK TWO.something that you miss and it will be a great improvement I think can be RESPECT YOURSELF: Doing the best for youself,acting the way you are, not the way someone else does,be respectful with youself,and everybody else,doing everything with respect...


Since we started to keep them at work with them I felt good a like toils keep them at work

with them,I think it's a good toil why do not you get bored very clear you get tired a bit... keep at work with them was fun,i hope to keep them at work once again..

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